Friday, February 27, 2009

Cry In My Heart

I always feel like music is one of the greatest gifts God has given to us. Using our mouths and words to speak about God's awesomeness just isn't enough sometimes and I think when you throw in music into the mix, it creates a very special way of praising Him. (edit - what I meant to say was, words that speak of God's awesomeness is more than enough already but that praising God through music is equally as fulfilling. After all, God is the creator of both the music we hum and the words we speak.)

Lately I've been listening to Starfield and this song caught my ears. It's called Cry In My Heart and the lyrics are very simple yet it's so profound at the same time... I'll let you check it out

There's a cry in my heart
For Your glory to fall
For Your presence to fill up my senses
There's a yearning again
A thirst for discipline
A hunger for things that are deeper

Could You take me beyond?
Could You carry me through?
If I open my heart?
Could I go there with You?
(For I've been here before
But I know there's still more
Oh, Lord, I need to know You)

For what do I have
If I don't have You, Jesus?
What in this life
Could mean any more?
You are my rock
You are my glory
You are the lifter
Of my head
Lifter of this head

Mmmm let that be my life purpose - to do all that I can to see His glory fall and for me to surrender my all to Him in His presence.

Oh and quick prayer request if you're reading this. Please pray for AKC Praise Night and BCEC college retreat (both happening this weekend!) Pray for the people who are attending and that our hearts will be receptive to God's word. Pray for the event speakers and that God will use them mightily this weekend. Last and most importantly, pray that God's glory shines through!

Hi mom!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

In the beginning

God created the heavens and the earth! It's true!

So I've been meaning to start a blog up for some time now but I never got around to creating one, mainly because I still have that fear of showing people how poor my writing skills are. But after a lot of thinking, I feel like this will be good for me because this will...

- serve as another journal
- help me overcome my fear i just mentioned
- hone my writing skills
- help put my ideas down into concrete words
- keep my friends (sort of) in touch with me. or at least in some kind of loop
- let my mom know that i'm still alive out in amherst (hi mom!)
- also be another great tool to glorify God!

So I apologize in advance if my grammar is off or if some of the sentences are worded awkwardly! Feel free to help me out here. And feel free to ask me anytime about specific posts. I guess it's impossible to jot down all the ideas that I have in my head onto a piece of paper... or a board of keys... but this is definitely a good start! Mmmm that's all I have to say for now, oh wait